Sunday, July 4, 2010

to the souls we bring forth

I created you
from past experience
The tools i used
were found in my heart
As I labored in the creation
I felt Pain
My world seemed dormant
Meticulous in my thoughts
I brought you into form
I breathed life into you
and embraced your soul
you have been with me always
never to expire


  1. We are entering the realms of oneness
    Position from above
    aligned within freedom
    no more entrapment
    pattens of the past

    Our souls merge as we find the courage to spread our wings

    Cycles of time have passed
    Planets have run the course
    symbol of hope returned
    in the heavens
    The stars have watched us learn

    Our souls merge as we find the courage to spread our wings
    True soul spirits of twin flames
    engage as the spell is broken

    (c) C. Poupoutsi 2010

  2. And when it's time for spirit to escape these mortal tethers, may it be with sulphur and with whistles and cacophonous light.

  3. Anna, your words are exhilarating.

  4. indeed, I am a lucky man to know. I saw the birth, becoming. Bewildered and amazed.


    Those that will know you, will be spell bound as I am.

    Then there will be those that will want your power.


    With love,

    Wiles Duke

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  6. the power is to be shared with all those that desire, the bonding of souls.
    creating a link to the creative spirit by illuminating the mind, the need to possess vanishing in the bright light.

