The Prince in the Pea

First Draft
Not in it's entirety

"There is a thorn in my side!" the young prince screamed.

THE FAIRY TALES COULD BRING YOU BACK TO PLACES FAR AWAY, places that you had forgotten, a place that holds sweetness and all good things...
I sit and type the words find their way to paper, I am just a vessel in which this story is told.

My heart brings me to the sleeping handsome, I nudge him to make sure he is still awake. it seems like a really good day to open up shop.
The potions: for love of disaster, the only way to truly get what you wish for.
1.the path was like a good story, you never knew where you would end up have to know when to pull out, however good the moment might feel

The Princess in the Pea

There once was a very lonely prince who's greatest wish was to marry a princess.
He put much thought into this,seeking council from the wisest of men, without end his loneliness he continued to search; one day he decided he would consult the 5 witches who lived far away in the Forest of Wands. He set out on his best mare, gleaming white in the early morning, he traveled west following the sunset. As the prince was making his journey towards the Forest of Wands, the 5 witches were busy preparing for the prince, as they always seemed to know when company was on the way, this was his first trip into the forest and most likely his last. The prince had hopes of  being granted a wish but knew nothing of how dearly he would pay.
The witches stood in a circle and began to sway, listening to the night sounds of locust and toads until at last they were in a trance, within this trance they could see the future of the young prince. They swayed until the forest grew silent of the underground and became alive with the birds in the sky. Nothing was discussed between the witches as each had a different future in mind; it was the power of 5 that would come to the best resolve for the prince. They would know more about the prince once he entered the forest and chose a path, as there are many paths throughout the forest, it seems each time I have dared to venture into this forest, a new path appears, taking me a completely different way.
The prince had come to the forest of wands, from far away it had looked so inviting but now he was standing on edge, full of dark tunnels, if  not for a need so great he would turn around and go back to where he came from, settling down with someone who just claimed to be a princess. The thought of this sent him forward, with one foot in, he looked back, the land behind him was a glowing light; the path ahead was as dark as night.
He would take what looked like the most traveled,
worn path; little did he know that the witches were the keepers of the forest, taking care to keep the paths swept, steering visitors into the very thicket of things. There was no way of retracing your steps as the witches watched your every move, they swept behind you. Looking back would somehow look more daunting than what lay ahead. He meandered loosely around the forest, through brush and briers without a clue as to where the witches resided. The prince was lost but how can you be lost if you never knew where you were going; he had come to the end the path, where there was a wall of black jagged rocks, looming above him, touching the sky, the jagged rocks appeared as 5 swords. His gaze turned into a stare, behind each sword was a bare naked lady of authentic beauty, he was mesmerized and they took him in. this was not what the prince was expecting at all as witches had always the reputation of vulgarity and disgust. He found himself following the witches, they moved ahead of him with bare tails swinging, hair flying and whipping around as a west wind blew, as if to form a veil. He would catch glimpses of bare skin, taking the importance of the journey else where. He was side tracked, the witches knew this, and as he followed them, they went deeper until finally they arrived at the gate, the gate was made of wrought iron, there were two sides that meet in the middle to form a full moon, a crescent moon was accented on the left gate. within the full moon was the number 5. The first witch lifted the latch, the last witch locked it behind her leaving the starry eyed prince outside.
The prince had not been paying attention to where he was going while following the beauty of the witches, his mind was wondering along on a different path. Now he was at a locked gate, peering in through the iron bars, watching the witches as they seemed to vanish into nowhere, the last glimpse would remain in his mind forever; the last witch turned to look at him, the beauty of her was bewitching but the look she gave him portrayed her as evil, leaving him bewildered. The gate was locked, he was alone again, an eerie feeling came upon him as the day faded away into dusk; the forest came alive with sounds from the underground. He sat beneath the iron gate, his pack propped against the bars to cushion his back. He listened to the forest; locust and toads dominated the silence, he retraced his thoughts about the most unusual day and with this he drifted far away into a land of fantasy, where skyclad witches rode enchanted brooms, chanting they danced into the night, taking turns to stir a boiling cauldron of disaster. The jerk of a light sleep seemed to jar him back into a reality, the pack behind him was sliding as if someone was pulling it out from under him. The gate was opening, he turned to see who was on the other side...Uhtenshuhn WAS WAITING TO BE PAID,

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