Saturday, January 30, 2010

Departure of Souls

i am fearful that i have created an illusion so deep that i struggle to find my way out, i concern myself with communicating this to you. I step out, into the daylight where I again can see the horizon. when i am deep underground i will visit this place and perhaps then you will acknowledge that I do in fact exist. Untill then i will just trouble you.
those not so delicate strands have been severed,cut and pulled apart by our bare hands leaving us with nothing more to say. is it relief? this departure of souls, and I wonder is this for good or for evil. as i pull away i feel the tug of war, resistance to my own desire.

Friday, January 29, 2010



It seems my desire for a more instinctual form of living has been replaced with a force that seems to take me where ever I need to go. I now understand why I feel lost when I attempt to go into public places where everything becomes foreign to me. I have not yet learned to bind the underworld and the outerworld seamlessly together. Living in America I am maybe .01 of the population and feel as an alien experiencing the entering into another universe besides the one he has always known. I am guessing I will eventually become comfortable in both of my worlds. There is little company to be had on my level of communicating this thought or concept to anyone around me. It is taboo, a place to stay away from for fear of no return or perhaps mistaken for insanity.  This force continues to bring insight as i gradually explore it's depths. It is not so much a fasination with this as it is the connection I am given to the souls that have explored the same thing;  I am fearful of the things I see happening around me as the human lacks the soul, i find comfort in another place as i connect more deeply to the soul that brought me here.
this, a part of all of us, the only difference is I asked for it to be revealed and was not afraid of what i would discover. as I explored the "symbol" of the witch i discovered the fear it brought.
Am I a witch? OF COURSE NOT!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Magic Wand

You are a princess that is locked in a world where being a princess is unheard of, you have magical powers that are unknown to yourself or others, and as I have come to know you, to me, it is apparent? This is something that is left alone, as if it is disturbed it will fall apart, it must be protected against human nature. For not so much that the human nature would intend destruction but to explore it could cause irreversible damage. You walk through this world with the invisible magical wand that was given to you on your birth day. You earned it through the many thousands of years of living on this planet surpassing each test you were given. The wand has the magic to repair and renew the lives of the people you will come in contact with while you are here, on the planet earth. The wand has a set number of spells that can only be used by you. As you walk through this journey of life the spells of the wand will be for you to use with wise judgement. Using the spells on the wrong person will do more harm then good. Your emotions should never be a part of using a spell, this being the most important rule. At the end of your life you will be given a summary of the lives your wand touched.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

never forget

and when I was running, I felt as I was running for you and you. I kept thinking... push harder.
I will never forget the first time my eyes laid upon you, you were dark, and I could barely see you.
I will never forget the second time I SAW YOU, you were a little lighter
and the third time, there was a glow.
I will never forget the glow as you stood like a glass figurine blending in beautifully with the rest of the scene, in front of the news stand as if waiting for me.
I will never forget, you stooped over looking through your backpack for your latest finds and at that moment I wanted to be you.
I will never forget the first time I saw art as a portal to my soul. It shook me and changed me.
I will never forget the day you finally knocked on my door and showed me your soul.
I will never forget the first time I saw you, always a concerned look in your eye as a witch should always have. I will never forget the food that you brought me, it has since nourished me.
I will never forget the first time I saw you, eyes open wide, for your first look at this world...and then you screamed. I welcomed you, bowed down to you, knowing the place you had just come from.