Friday, August 20, 2010

scandalous behavior

the witch: a mystery to all who don't fully know her, making your head spin,
provoking something deep with in.
Who dares to follow?

I am a witch
casting spells of fantasy and illusion
and my Book of Shadows lay
sleeping within my head
the power coming from awareness
the honesty within escape
from the snare that holds you there
the chain of lies
no longer link
one by one they were broken
a heaping pile of rusted metal
can no longer hold me there
the illusion
of happy faces
replaced with vulgar words of anger
into a world
I can only see from distance
your vision blocked
from the wall you hide behind
I am far far away in my own world
I dance
I sing
the rain melts me
trees talk
I listen
I run
but not away
I beleive in illusion
as I create
I come from a deep dark place
into the light
I arrive with awe
my eyes adjust
and I see him
straight ahead
not arriving before me but with me
we walk
and enter our home made of illusion