The Witch and the Goddess do you know the relation.
The Goddess and the Witch work together.
The Goddess everts your attention
so the Witch can cast her spell
and where does the Warrior fit in?
And you wonder what part does he play
and I wonder who will play the part?
Dialog between the witch and ???
Anonymous said...
who's going to play that part
and where was the spell cast
it is all a mystery
and when will you know if it worked
when it happens
does it always happen
can this be added as dialog?
everything we say is dialog
between us
the dialog could be anonomous
you can't be anonymous anymore
we are in connection
and have a balance
I came out of the wood work...
I even brought the Goddess, do you know who she is?
you can tell a witch from a goddess...
how can you tell
you just can
I wear a symbol
that will be something you will have to show me
do many people know of this
you do know this is an illusion
I wasn't paying attention
just reaching out and touching
I love it
wow that was beautiful