It seems my desire for a more instinctual form of living has been replaced with a force that seems to take me where ever I need to go. I now understand why I feel lost when I attempt to go into public places where everything becomes foreign to me. I have not yet learned to bind the underworld and the outerworld seamlessly together. Living in America I am maybe .01 of the population and feel as an alien experiencing the entering into another universe besides the one he has always known. I am guessing I will eventually become comfortable in both of my worlds. There is little company to be had on my level of communicating this thought or concept to anyone around me. It is taboo, a place to stay away from for fear of no return or perhaps mistaken for insanity. This force continues to bring insight as i gradually explore it's depths. It is not so much a fasination with this as it is the connection I am given to the souls that have explored the same thing; I am fearful of the things I see happening around me as the human lacks the soul, i find comfort in another place as i connect more deeply to the soul that brought me here.
this, a part of all of us, the only difference is I asked for it to be revealed and was not afraid of what i would discover. as I explored the "symbol" of the witch i discovered the fear it brought.
Am I a witch? OF COURSE NOT!