you are about to step into the world of Anna Funk where light sheds light on dark. and nothing seems so real as imagination escapes me.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
fire flies
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
The Witch and The Goddess

The Witch and the Goddess do you know the relation.
The Goddess and the Witch work together.
The Goddess everts your attention
so the Witch can cast her spell
and where does the Warrior fit in?
And you wonder what part does he play
and I wonder who will play the part?
Dialog between the witch and ???
Anonymous said...
who's going to play that part
and where was the spell cast
it is all a mystery
and when will you know if it worked
when it happens
does it always happen
can this be added as dialog?
everything we say is dialog
between us
the dialog could be anonomous
you can't be anonymous anymore
we are in connection
and have a balance
I came out of the wood work...
I even brought the Goddess, do you know who she is?
you can tell a witch from a goddess...
how can you tell
you just can
I wear a symbol
that will be something you will have to show me
do many people know of this
you do know this is an illusion
I wasn't paying attention
just reaching out and touching
I love it
wow that was beautiful
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
the day before
It was startling, i stopped breathing, was someone breaking in, I listened, nothing, i tip toed down the stairs and stared, there was almost silence as the living room appeared before me to have something missing, but what. The Fireplace carried a piece of art above it hanging heavily for years done by A local artist that had an impact on me. The art was gone and I wondered who had taken it as I had not related this to the crash. thoughts sorted out and my mind started to focus, the art was laying face up on the ground below the fireplace, the glass was not broken in fact it looked as if it hadn't fallen at all. The screw on the wall was still tight but the screw on the back of the painting had been ripped out of the heavy wooden frame. I was not feeling well in this moment. Had I opened up Pandora's Box? that in fact was what I had done. I am now wondering how deep does this go.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
what friends are for
I wonder
where I am going
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Dark Shadows

turn the monster on and take away my blue skies and forest full of wands.
you brought me here from the depths of your soul, i stand before you, ready to be of service to The Higher Craft. It will take much magic to transform the masses, to shine light upon darkness but we are powerful in our endeavor together. we connect on a level of primal instinct, this taking no thought of preparation as this is happening always. It is done with one connection at a time weaving a web of souls until finally the web is finished and we find our self floating in the safe haven of the beautiful web...just like magic.
solitude=where powerful thoughts are born

Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Modified version
skipping all the personal stuff
when you hear the person you are living with calling your name but he says it wasn't him.
I was in the back apartment when I heard him call my name, three times he called but I did not answer
I was deep in thought about a connection, the painting caught my eye. "Broken House" reminding me of my own broken house.
When I looked out the door into the backyard there was no one there.
I went up stairs and asked "why did you call" he responded "I didn't"
He had heard the voice as indistinguishable and had a vision of me with a bloody face.
I feel I have a guests and when the guests arrives:
Does it manifest in the art of this artist and subliminally I call
to it when in desperate need for expression, release, change, freedom. It comes to me, I feel its presence shaking me out of sleep.
The art is the most symbolic thing I own, I connect with it in a primal state of mind, it brings chaos needed for the repair of my
soul, experiences that I seem to have no control over. It brings truth and knowledge that is sometimes hard for me to except, which is
my challenge.
my guide enters through the door of this art.
The art opens a portal to my soul.
is this possible?