I feel like I have been deactivated.
On Dec. 16th I put my "eye" phone into a glass of red wine, needless to say it did not work after that and I purchased another one. Yesterday someone stole my recently purchased "Eye" phone and I was livid most of the day, not so much at the theft, although I did curse the soul and wished bad things would happen (shame on me) but at the companies that sell us our minutes which is what this all about. Of course these companies could make it so that no one else could activate your phone but F that, wouldn't be to good on the economy would it? How many customers does ATT have that are using stolen iphones because all you have to do is steal the phone take the sims card out and go to ATT and purchase a new one...bingo, a new customer, you then have a perfectly good "stolen" iphone to use. Where is the honesty of a company? We live in a disposable world where values have been distorted.
I think my attachment to the phone is clearly a part of someone or something brain washing me.